Monday, August 9, 2010

Update from the PUP

Hey everyone,

Just an update on Susan (Tooty/the PUP).
I just got off the phone to her and she sounds better - more like her old self but still very down and all over the place. She told me she put a cup of tea in the fridge earlier... She was saying she sat down at the puter and opened her scraps folder and just looked it, feeling no mojo or inspiration at all. She started to sift through mail and read a few messages yesterday but found it too overwhelming for now, as I thought she might. But she did ask me to pass on her thanks to everyone for their well wishes, thoughts, prayers and messages. She is touched by everyone's kindness at this time and appreciates it very much.

As she was her partner's sole carer for so long, she now loses her carer's pension, and is having to cut back on a few extra luxuries. I have told her not to hesitate in calling me if she needs to or wants to, but she is having to "watch her pennies" (as I am long distance) as she says, which is why I don't hesitate in calling her. Though she did say the phone just hasn't stopped ringing, and she has been busy which is a good thing as that helps keep her mind occupied. Still she is finding the house very quiet, which it would be, especially when you are just so used to the sound of another person being there and suddenly they are gone. I have been incredibly worried about her as many of you are aware Susan and I are like each other's shadows Where one of us you will surely find the other. But I was relieved to hear her sounding much better today than when I last spoke to her Saturday.

She has one kit waiting to go into stores next week, which I will add for her, but at the moment she simply has no mojo or desire to do any others right now. She will be back though...but she just needs a bit of time.

The funeral is on Thursday morning (Australian time, which will be Wednesday afternoon in the US) so just keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she is dreading it and knowing it will be a tough day.

She has seen some of the messages on Facebook, and she thanks everyone who has done so, so that is the best place to leave your thoughts for her. Mail is just too much right now.

Thank you, everyone for your kindness and thoughts at this time.


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